Saturday, April 26, 2008


Egypt Ancient civilization is one of the influential and further than any other cultures in order to comprehend and preserve their belief and rituals in the pass of history .Today is relevant to know more about different societies that brought to us many traditions and social aspects. Specially Egypt was the most advanced civilization of the ancient world in terms of its culture, science, medicine, politics, social structure, and perhaps most importantly its incredibly sophisticated approach to spirituality.

One of the keys to understanding the ancient civilization is the Rosetta stone. This artifact was discovered in 1799 and helps us even today to interpret the writings of the ancient hieroglyphics. Egypt´s history, religion, and beliefs were left on these hieroglyphics. Some of the writings included stories of the kings that ruled during the different dynasties. Gods were also very prominent during this time and played a major role in the way people lived their lives.

This culture have been characterized essentially for all the Goddesses like Nuit , lady of the stars, Ast , queen of heaven , Asar, God of our fathers, Nebt-Het , Goddess of That Death Which Is Not Eternal ,Suti , the Adversary, Heru , Lord of Things To Come, Anpu , Guide to the Dead which Egyptian people accept as true and dedicate time to make them happy and glorifying them consecutively to get blessing of them through sacrifice or other types of formal procedure as a ceremonies.

An example of that is "Maat has two meanings in the ancient Egyptian language. Maat is first the goddess of justice and truth, who gave meaning to the world and bestowed order upon the chaos of creation in the First Times. She governs the movement of the stars, the rising and setting of the sun, the inundation and retreat of the Nile, and the laws underlying all of nature. In the Judgment Hall of the Tuat the heart of the deceased is weighed against Maat's feather, which represents truth. If the heart is found to be free from the weight of sin, the deceased joins the company of the gods; otherwise, the soul is devoured and destroyed. Thus Maat is the standard by which we are measured.”[1].

Heka is the general term for Egyptian magic. The rites listed below provide a core foundation in Egyptian ritual magic for the esoteric practitioner. One of those fundamental or traditional rituals that Egyptian people does are: The Opening of the Mouth, The Gathering of Heka, The Dedication of the Temple, The Passion of Ast and Nebt-Het and so on .

Other significant aspect in order to talk about Egyptian civilization is the tradition of mummification ritual, because was one of the most imperative feature of ancient Egyptian life , that is preparing for life after death. Egyptians believed that, in addition to a body, every person had a soul or spirit that would live on after death.

So the odor of a slowly drying body, especially in the hot desert climate of Egypt, need that hands and feet amulets were placed on the decaying body before the wrapping process took place. The moisture dripped through a channel as the lower end into a pan or bucket. A society woman had to struggle for equality among men. The Egyptians washed their bodies and mouth out everyday.

Once the body was thoroughly dried, the abdominal cavity was packed with more natron and with fresh spices wrapped in linen. This has been one of the most documented fascinations of the modern day world. The wrappings covered whatever jewelry had been placed on the mummy.

To sum up the Egyptian civilization have many characteristics that make this societies very interesting and conservative, particularly about their ethnicity, beliefs, thoughts, government rules, rituals and religion that expressed the complexity of the relationships between humanity, the world, and the divine, with an inventiveness and subtlety that is without parallel. They rituals of mummification, the mystery of the pyramids, hieroglyphics ,their ceremonies to glorify their goddesses repeatedly to receive blessings and prosperity to their community are one of those things that characterized Egypt civilization from other and defend a role in the world history with they perform.
By Adriana Fuentes Amorocho

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