In the Ancient Civilization a person who achieved too many aims on his life and conquested all the land around him, he will get the affability of a whole town and would be considered as a remembering heroe. I´m going to talk about similarities and differences between those heroes who belonged the history of their Empires with their values and determinative thought that characterized them.
One of those Heroes is Alexander the Great, who was an ancient Greek King of Macedon and conquered most of the world known to Constantinople and Rome ( Europe in general)likewise Attila, recognized as Attila The Hun or the Scourge of God , who was Kahn of the Huns leadered the Hunnic Empire which stretched from Germany to the Ural River. Those leaders of a Nation have beguiling personalities, an incredible courage and turn on fearsome to their enemies.
Even though they have similarities also there are some differences like Attila is remembered as an Epitome of Cruelty and Rapacity. In contrast Alexander the Great as a noble and kind King. Despite that, each ones death was distinguished, came about unlike places and time, Alexander the great was undefeated in battle on June 10 of 323 BC and Attila had an uneventful dead on 434.
To sum up, however heroes made in their Ancient Civilization, they played a relevant role in their Societies development, no mater their weaknesses or strength, they justified their actions according to their contemplation and a challenge showing their similitude’s and differences between them.
OSIRIS VS ISIS - By Paula López Novoa

Religion in ancient Egypt was not unlike modern times. Today, not everyone believes in the same way, or of the same god. Egypt was no different. Individual kings worshipped their own gods, as did the workers, priests, merchants and peasants. The gods lived, died, hunted, went into battle, gave birth, ate, drank, and had human emotions. Likewise, the myths changed with the location of the gods, as did their names. Each god had five names, and each was associated with an element, such as air, with celestial bodies, or was a descriptive statement about the god, such as strong, virile or majestic. We see many similarities and differences between the two gods Osiris and Isis.
Ancient Egyptian religion consisted of several different traditions and beliefs. However, it was predominantly based upon polytheism, as they worshipped over two thousand gods and goddesses; they viewed their gods as deities who cared naught about the Egyptian people. Thus, it was believed that if they failed to pay homage to their gods. Osiris and Iris were great goods, which marked the history of egypt civilization, depended on its myths and worshipped both as a symbol of gratitude. Both were gods devoted all day to Egypt and although both were created by the same god Ra, each will dedicate a portion of its people, thus leaving his teachings and belief to Egypt.
Nevertheless, there are some conspicuous differences. Osiris was the son of Geb and Nut and was born in Thebes in Upper Egypt; in the other hand Isis the mother of Horus and sister and consort of Osiris was worshipped at Philae. Finally, they contrast in kind of god: Osiris was the god of the dead, a very important role in ancient Egypt and this carried over into the rituals and beliefs of Egyptians much later, as well. It was because of the legend of Osiris that Egyptians believed they had the right to be transformed and to live in the afterlife. His first deed was to abolish cannibalism and teach the arts of agriculture. In contrast Isis not only used the words of power, but she also had knowledge of the way in which to pronounce them so that the beings or things to which they were addressed would be compelled to listen to them and, having listened, would be obliged to fulfill her bequests.
To sum up the ancient Egyptians were extremely devout in their beliefs. They were dedicated to their gods and worshipped daily in many different ways. Their way of life revolved around these beliefs. They had a strong sense of justice and endeavored to do that which was right. They were a highly sophisticated society with values and morals.
HORUS VS RA - By Camila Giraldo
In Egypt there were not heroes. The heroes of this ancient civilization were the gods how the people thought they were the must important thing and they give them some names to represent something. In this essay I am going to talk more about the two goods that has some differences and similarities.
Horus was the god of the sky, it was the champion of the light again the shadow compare to Ra that was the god of the sun he was the one that establish the gods. Also Ra was the father of all the gods or the beginners of the rise of the others gods, this god engender Geb y Nut by his self in contrast of hours those there fathers were Osiris and Seth.
The dress of Horus it was similar to the dress of Ra. Horus is shown as a hawk, or a man with a hawk's head and the crown of all Egypt. This makes him look similar to Ra, but Ra is crowned with the sun disk. Horus crown is made of two parts. The white part is the crown of Upper Egypt and the red part is the crown of Lower Egypt.
In the summary of the history of this ancient civilization that is Egypt, is one of the must amazing places in the world. But being and today is just one attraction for people around the world, loosing the essence of the place itself. These are some of the gods that help to create this entire beautiful place.