Thursday, May 15, 2008


The Egyptian’s invent a lot of things that facilitate us nowadays to have a better and simple life. Also this civilization make easy to see that our lives at the present time are effortless that old times. The black ink, an Egyptian’s invention really lends a hand us to build new projects through accurately the writing science.

We apply the black ink today to write and express our feelings and thought in a piece of paper. Some of the purpose that Egyptians made with this invent is related with trading with other cities and countries. They used this way to have things that they didn’t have like food, wood, and others things. There were writing and all the elements that make that possible start to be so relevant in the communicating process of humanity.

In another hand all these inventions were good for all the people but the problem is that now the lives are more easy that those times and that is not good because create a dilemma between facilitate work and make people too lazy. Maybe if the black ink doesn’t exist we may used different ways to express and maybe were easy to talk than to write something , s considering that is more simple to write than to talk, specially referring the inspiration of think before write than when we just talk about something .

To come to the point the invention of the black ink helps us a lot now but at the same time in some moments makes our life difficult. Even thought the inventions that Egyptians made help the society in many daily life situations , so that makes Egypt so special and relevant culture to human history and for all the countries that had been influence by them , for the reason that they teach and gave to us many useful things.


The Ancient Egypt civilization was one of the old societies which realize some inventions and procedures that facilitate people life style and ahead of history in the world. They give to us evidence of some mathematical knowledge and contributed to modern arithmetic. So the highly development of Egyptians to design and construct new equipment involved a precision of measurement mathematical tradition.

Firstly, mathematics are the based discipline of all the science in the world, which can be applied to effort in many different areas such as theoretical computer science, financial mathematics or statistics, areas of acknowledged practical importance that smooth the progress of many process and activities in the certainty times comparing old ones. So recording Egyptian history we find some situation that showed the dependence of Egyptian life upon the fluctuations of the Nile led to careful records and calculations of the rise and recession of the river; surveyors and scribes were continually remeasuring the land whose boundaries had been destroyed by the inundation, and this measuring of the land was evidently the origin of geometry, thereby founding the axiomatic method of mathematics that help nowadays the society in order to create a effiency mathematic programs that calculate profits, revenues , swot analysis in companies , build houses or architecture projects , to manage and control errors in daily life behaviors, serving and making faster and effectiveness our obligations or activities in the community .
Even thought, The Egyptians brought to the human history many significant facts to develop a better society as a mathematics science, they wasn’t the only ones to give to the world all the inventions and facilitate people life, they provide Black Ink, First Ox-Drawn Plows,365 Day Calendar and Leap Year ,Paper, First Triangular Shaped Pyramids, Organized labor, Hieroglyphics as an early system of writing and Sails although The Ancient Sumarians of Iraq invented the Bull Lyre around 3200 BCE, The Chinese civilization have invented their fair share of nifty gadgets , devices and fireworks , also The Greek catapult was developed by Dionysius the Elder of Syracuse around 350 BC. That demonstrate the consequence to progress the intuitive knowledge front some experience of people, referring to the fact that the physical world follows very simple laws of make available different innovation to facilitate people life.

To sum up the Egyptian civilization contribute to improve dealings in the world, specially with mathematic science which at the same time brought many relevant developments to solve problems and make possible and simple life like plan and build pyramids, hieroglyphics writing and counting with stones, based mathematic systems (geometry, algebraic equations and arithmetic series ) That make a payment to the growth of the communities, particularly because It would be quite difficult to conveniently and comfortably handle our everyday affairs without most of these early Egyptian inventions.


The Egyptian people made several major medical discoveries and began treating diseases in a physical manner alongside older spiritual cures. The Egyptians did not perform main surgery as conducted, today they made relevant developments in surgical knowledge and practice, those was a side effect of religious ceremonies the effect on public health.

The ancient Egypt civilization have a method to embalming important people dead an example of this is the pharaoh; they get good knowledge of the anatomy of the head and brain. They obtained a good data of the meninges, the cerebrospinal fluid, and the twitches and pulsations, and were aware that the brain was the seat of the body control. Respect of the clinical examination, the process of examination follows in the same steps we follow in our modern medical practice. Interrogation of the patient as a first step, after that they palpation the percussion of the body and diseased organs, palpation of the pulse, were those of the abdomen, fractures and tumours; Finally they described with general accuracy the larger bones and viscera, and recognized the function of the heart as the driving power of the organism and the center of the circulatory system

The human body was believed to be born in a healthy state, and could not fall ill or die except through the influence of a foreign agent. In case of wounds or intestinal worms, that agent was visible and the treatment prescribed was hence rational. As they were not aware of microbiology, internal diseases were thought to be due to an occult force attributed to evil gods, a divine punishment or magical procedures. However, in the cultural life of ancient Egypt, among the people amulets were more popular than pills as preventive or curative of disease; those was to them a possession by devils, and had to be treated with incantations. A cold for instance, could be exorcised by such magic words; the magic
and religion were part of everyday life in ancient Egypt. Goods and demons were thought to be responsible for many ailments, so often the treatments involved a supernatural element. Often, the first recourse was an appeal to a deity. Frequently priets and magicians were called on to treat disease instead of, or in addition to, a physician.

To sum up, The Egyptians civilization has a favourable idea of the medicine, anatomy, and physiology of humanity, and of the scientific outlook that they obtained at least two thousand years before Hippocrates. Medical knowledge in ancient Egypt had an excellent reputation, and rulers of other empires would ask the Egyptian pharaoh to send them their best physician to treat their loved ones. Egyptians had some knowledge of human anatomy
, even though they never dissected the body only in the mummification of dead bodies of men and animals, which had been practiced from time immemorial, might have taught them many things.